Thursday, 25 November 2010

music target audience survey results

The majority of people that took my music magazine survey were 14-16 and then 17over 22 which is who i wanted to aim my magazine at as any younger age id have to consider the use of younger language and younger music artists.

The results to the gender taking my survey where split exact, which was good as it shows both have an interest although my music magazine is aimed more at females.

The results to what type of music do you listen do were very close but the top vote was RnB, second top vote was indie, and third was pop these where great results for the type of music magazine I'm wanting to make as i can include these three in mine, and I'll know that its what my target audience will like.

There is a clear winning vote in this question with 78.6% voting they listen to music more than 20 times a month, this is good as it shows a clear interest in music and i could include free music downloads in my magazine to keep the audience interested.

The results to this question shows that music is downloaded regular from everyday - once a month this is good as it shows that music is an active form in everyday life and i can use this to my advantage, i can include music downloads and music charts in my magazine as there is a clear interest.

this question was an open question, so the answers are varied  but many are answers are repeated with sport, fashion, friends and music being in the top answers meaning i can include these in my magazine either by separate articles or in an interview with an artist asking their hobbies and interests,  including other things other than music means the magazine will appeal to many more.
The results to this question were disappointing with 42.9% saying they don't ever buy music magazines but this question means that i need to make my magazine different in order for people to buy it i need to think about the price, free things and what i include in the magazine to try and encourage sales.


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