Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Draft text for my magazine

For double page spread, im going to have an intivew from the band rather than an article written about them i think the reader would be more intrested in what the band have to say rather than an opinion about them. i will need to think of questions relating to music and other topics that my research said my target audience was intrested in. Below is a list of example questions and answers i may include.

We can see your a very fashionable band who is this down too? (laughs) us obviously we have complete controll over our wardrobe and the fans seem to love it, its just james that needs a helping hand (laughs)

Has life changed since becoming famous?  yes and no we certainly are a lot busier now there's no more layins, and we cant even walk down the street without being noticed, but we still see family and have our roast dinners on a sunday and we still hit the towns on saturday so its a win win situation really.

So you have time for girlfriends then, we're sure you have a long queue? (laughs) no i doubt we'd be able to spend much time with them and we dont have much chance too find any. but yeah we are all looking to settle down sometime in the future but not any time soon.

What would your ideal girls be then? someone that likes us for us and not for our fame, somone who has got plenty of patience and preferable someone that can cook a good curry (laughs)

We hear you have a new album coming out soon, what can we expect? Yes we do, and we're all very excited about it, it’s called ... and its out on.... Its somthing a little different to our other songs some are based on getting to where we are now and the downs and lows and some are just about us typical lads.

Where do you get your inspiration for your music? Everywhere, and anywhere we all have a sit down with a pen and paper guitar and just say something what we're feeling, what we're thinking anything some are fun and crazy some are deep and touching we never know where their going to go we never sit down and plan one thing we want to write about that just not us.

Who would you compare your self to in the music world? No one were completly new, and different we are like no other band and we love that, we hate it when we get compared as every band and artist is so different, you dont plan to be like someone else you want to be liked for being you.

 I am interviewing a young boy band, who are typical boys not to much care, totally chilled and relaxed and just enjoy music and their lives, i want to make the band a heartthrob band just like 'the wanted', 'take that' the interview is very informal so it conects with the reader.

  • News about music stars
  • Follow the fashion of your music stars
  • Free itunes downloads
  • New artists
  • latest music news
  • music stars love affairs
  • tour dates
  • reviews of albums/singles
Ideas for coverlines for my front page/contents page: 

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